We help you not get a Traffic Ticket in the first place at a traffic stop.
We have an amazing legally remedy that makes the officer personally liable for a $5,000.00+ fine they can’t fight and you win if they infringe on the one specific right you will lawfully poses after buying our NO TICKET KIT.
The officer will be 100% liable and will have to pay your fine to you directly!
You can simply and peacefully assert your defense right in the warmth and safety of your own personal conveyance (car) and not get the traffic ticket in the first place.
Once you have our documents in your car you are protected
Stick to the short communication that you give to the officer respectfully, simply and effectively asserting your lawful standing to travel in public.
The officer will have no recourse but to let you go to avoid being personally liable for breaking the law against you. It works every-time!

Our tags show proper private lawful standing so you are outside the jurisdiction of the municipality you are traveling through. *** OUR TAGS ARE NOT DEPICTED IN THE LICENSE PLATE IMAGE